January 12-13 was the Women’s Retreat, hosted by Encouraging Women. The setting was at the beautiful Sampran Riverside Resort. We had 37 women registered to attend.
Keri Jenkins from Duluth, MN was our guest speaker. After spending many years as an expat wife and transitioning more times than many of us can imagine, she was able to speak God’s truth into our lives on the topic of change.
The theme was “Navigating a Life of Change with the God who Doesn’t Change.” Jeremiah 29:11 was an important theme as Keri spoke about how God does have a plan for us and it is GOOD. He is a just, righteous, and holy God who is sovereign over the bigger picture of our lives that we just cannot see sometimes.
She spoke about the Israelites and their call to remember God’s promises even when they were journeying for many, many years through the desert. God calls us to obedience even when the call is HARD. The women shared much laughter, tears, and truths from God’s Word.
In addition to our learning, we also had great times of fellowship with each other through games & meals.
We thank Keri; we thank our husbands for filling in during our absence; we thank the EW retreat committee; we thank our GOD who blessed us richly during this weekend retreat.