Many of the men in our church made their way to Thailand because of their leadership ability. Many of us hold important positions in both the public and private sectors. We lead teams of tens, hundreds, and thousands in our areas of expertise.
At the same time, we hold a much more important role: we are the spiritual leaders of our home. It is the highest responsibility we have while on this earth, so the Men’s Ministry has been a way to connect the “Captains of Industry” in our congregation to one another.
On the second Saturday of the month, we hold an early morning Men’s Breakfast where the men are treated to amazing food and fellowship that is followed by a devotion given by a fellow member of the church. We have covered a number of challenging topics for men:
- Carl Long: Book of John (September)
- Jake Sauer: Principles of the soils, and the fruit you produce (October)
- Jason Wiles: True Christian discipleship (November)
- Tim Watkins: A man and his emotions (December)
- Jake Sauer: The sin of pornography and visual stimulation (January)
In our future meetings, we will talk about marriage, kids, work, money matters, and how we leave our legacy behind. It is a chance for you to get to know your fellow Christian brothers and grow your faith alongside us. To learn more, send a message to or contact Roger Winkles.