Time is a precious commodity. So much to do, so many things to commit to, family time is squeezed, and at the end of the day everyone is tired… BUT, we sincerely believe that spending a couple of hours a week with supportive and engaged fellow believers in a small group setting will nourish your spirit and your faith, and help you grow. We are all on a journey in our unique faith walk, and Life Groups are a wonderful way for each of us to explore and discuss this further with friends made along the way.
Meeting in homes on an agreed evening, your group will choose their own reading material/subject matter or follow a designated study. One member ‘Leader’ can facilitate discussion for the evening.
What better way for you to share experiences and thoughts, learn from others, exploring your faith, what it means to have God in your life, to ponder on your unique God-given gifts and be the person both you and God want you to be, while building relationships in a small group where you will connect with members of your group?
The primary objective of all Life Groups is to help facilitate interaction through fellowship, connecting to the body of believers, mutual edification, as well as prayer support. Do come and talk to us! We would love you to be a part of something that is core to CCC… Building relationships and growing in faith together.
Contact office@cccthailand.org to express interest and see where we can help plug you in with others.